Category Archives: Progress studies

Technological stagnation

There are several voices arguing that since the approx 1950s the world is going through a technological stagnation (compared to previous two centuries), with technological progress increasingly slowing down. One of the good summaries of this debate and arguments I’ve read is in this blog post by Jason Crawford. Before I’ve read his summary, I’ve been mostly inclined to believe what he calls the quantitative case: that GDP and TFP growth has been slowing down since approx the 1970s (although he makes a good point that I would like to explore further some day about shift from manufacturing to services being a potential source of systematic underestimation of growth). However, after reading his “qualitative case”, I’ve actually updated to thinking the stagnation might not be there to such a large extent as I thought (contrary to his conclusion). Here is what makes me think so:

In his qualitative case, he categorizes technology/industry in six major categories:

Manufacturing & construction; Agriculture; Energy; Transportation; Information; Medicine.
He argues that in the past we have seen simultaneous revolutions (or disrupting innovations) in more of these categories, whereas since the 1970s we have seen the same level of disruptiveness only in one category – information, via computers, internet, smartphones, etc.. I don’t think we have actually seen less disruptive innovations than in the past – I think there are similarly disruptive technologies in most categories. Jason then goes on to describe what were the closest-to-being-disruptive innovations in each category since the 1970s but for some reason didn’t come to full fruition. I will comment on his views and suggest what could be the revolutionary technologies which makes me more optimistic about the current state of technological progress.

Recent disruptive technologies

Manufacturing: In materials, carbon nanotubes and other nanomaterials are still mostly a research project, and we still have no material to build a space elevator or a space pier. As for processes, atomically precise manufacturing is even more science-fiction than flying cars.

I would argue that perhaps robotization might be a big enough deal. It has been around for some time already, but maybe it is taking off in its most useful form just now. Anyway, robotization sounds like something that would be tracked by common (GDP and TFP) economic indicators, so if that was a big deal already, it would show up (suggesting it wasn’t and only hope left is that it will become a big deal in the future)    


Jason doesn’t talk about this category in his post, but here is my take: Green Revolution in general (and genetically modified crops in particular) might have substantial effects on food production and allowing population growth. This might have been missed by the per capita economic indicators, but perhaps would show in the total GDP statistics. As a counter-argument, data from Bloom et al. (2020) on crop yields show no disruptive growth, but rather constant diminishing returns – if green revolution (or genetically modified crops) were such a big deal, there would probably be some disruptive growth shown.
When looking at horizons, perhaps lab grown food (like cultured meat) will be revolutionary enough to significantly change how we create food (and how we treat animals), which perhaps will show in the economic indicators. Vertical farming could be another innovation  with large impacts if scalable, although perhaps not as significant as lab grown food.

Energy: The most obvious stunted technology is nuclear power. In the 1950s, everyone expected a nuclear future. Today, nuclear supplies less than 20% of US electricity and only about 8% of its total energy (and about half those figures in the world at large). Arguably, we should have had nuclear homes, cars and batteries by now.

I agree that nuclear power is the biggest deal. It seems that the problem here is not the problem of invention (the technology itself is quite good) but a problem of distribution/uptake. Why there was (or still is) a problem of distribution/uptake of nuclear energy seems like an important question for progress studies scholars to take a look at.
Another group of technologies on the horizon that might be a big deal are renewable sources of energy. It’s not clear how much this will show up in economic indicators, but the main value it promises is significantly less environmental damage.   

Transportation: In 1969, Apollo 11 landed on the Moon and Concorde took its first supersonic test flight. But they were not followed by a thriving space transportation industry or broadly available supersonic passenger travel. The last Apollo mission flew in 1972, a mere three years later. Concorde was only ever available as a luxury for the elite, was never highly profitable, and was shut down in 2003, after less than thirty years in service. Meanwhile, passenger travel speeds are unchanged over 50 years (actually slightly reduced). And of course, flying cars are still the stuff of science fiction. Self-driving cars may be just around the corner, but haven’t arrived yet.

I think expecting space transportation or supersonic passenger travel might be maybe too high expectations, compared to going from horses -> locomotives and then locomotives -> cars. When talking about passenger travel, the disruptive technology I would mention here that originated in the first half but was distributed in the second half of the 20th century is flying. It seems like air travel has taken off a lot and this seems a comparably large change to locomotives -> cars (in terms of increased mobility, even more in terms of speed). However, again, we would expect this type of technology to show in the standard economic indicators and given that these indicators still point to overall stagnation, perhaps flying was not so big a deal after all. Perhaps economic benefits from increased mobility have hit diminishing returns with cars and flying was this not that important. When talking about cargo, containerization in shipping which was mentioned elsewhere in Jason’s post seems like a big deal.

When looking at a horizon, I think self-driving cars and hyperloop are two potentially very disruptive technologies that will hopefully arrive soon. Again, the question of Why have self-driving cars not arrived yet? and How long will it take for hyperloop to be developed? seem interesting to me from a perspective of progress studies. Anyway, even when these technologies arrive, it’s questionable whether they will be reflected in economic indicators – if there are diminishing returns to economic benefits from mobility, hyperloop will not bring much value this way, even though it might be much faster than airplanes and perhaps more environmentally friendly. Self driving cars will perhaps free up people’s time which could be devoted to leisure or work and will cause more people to survive through decrease in car crashes – it’s not obvious this is going to show up.


This is the category where Jason seems the only revolutions of the second half of 20th century which the other innovations are not comparable to (i.e. are less impactful): computers, internet and smartphones and other communication technologies which have completely transformed the information processing and communication.  
Moreover, disruptive changes from progress in artificial intelligence seem to be on the horizon (if not happening already). 

Medicine: Cancer and heart disease are still the top causes of death. Solving even one of these, the way we have mostly solved infectious disease and vitamin deficiencies, would have counted as a major breakthrough. Genetic engineering, again, has shown a few excellent early results, but hasn’t yet transformed medicine.

Life expectancy increased a lot since WW2, so we have to be doing something right. Perhaps this is driven by mitigating communicable diseases around the world a lot.
Anyway, looking at the horizon might also bring some more hope: perhaps we will see some progress in life extension (or anti-ageing) efforts; perhaps some progress in genetic medicine as mentioned, and if technologies allow it, maybe we will finally see some instances of personalized medicine. However, I don’t have any sense how far these innovations are. 

Timescales: long term stagnation or short term dip?

To see whether we are in the stagnation, it’s useful to compare the same timescales. If we think about the recent history in terms of 3 industrial revolutions, it could be (as Jason suggests):

1st Industrial Revolution: from the 1700s through the mid-1800s (150 years)
2nd Industrial Revolution: from the mid-1800s to the mid-1900s (100 years)
3rd Industrial Revolution: from the mid-1900s until now (70 years)

If we don’t assume that the length of these revolutions is systematically decreasing (e.g. because the invention and distribution cycles are getting shorter/more efficient), maybe we should wait a little bit before making judgements about stagnation, especially given that there are number of promising technologies on the horizon (as mentioned above). 

Given that this period we look at (data often focusing on 1970-2010, i.e. 40 years) is pretty short from a historical point of view, we may also wonder whether this stagnation is not just an oscillation if we look at the bigger picture. Perhaps there were some oscillations like these in the previous industrial revolutions as well (I’m yet to find some data about this, if you know about some, please let me know), progress is rarely smooth.        


Overall I’ve become less inclined to believe in technological stagnation after realizing what disruptive technologies has humanity recently created or is in the process of creating (btw doing a qualitative best case analysis might not be such a shaky approach as it might sound – it might actually be even more explanatory if we live in a power law world rather than Gaussian/linear world). Anyway, I guess the quantitative case still holds and it is more likely than not (let’s say 65 %) that we are experiencing slow down compared to 100 years ago. However, this slow down might be only common fluctuation (caused e.g. by more complexity involved in creating new disruptive technologies or cultural adaptation to some of those new technologies) before high rise due to new disruptive technologies coming to fruition. The slow down doesn’t seem to be so bad (we have created and continue creating new promising technologies) and has not been here for so long yet.       

What is the trend of scientific progress?

Is there a problem?

Bloom, Jones, Van Reenen & Webb (2020) found in their multiple case studies, spanning Moore’s law, agricultural crop yields, mortality and life expectancy and research productivity in firm-level data, that each domain suffers from diminishing returns to investment. That means that a constant number of scientists would not keep coming up with a constant number of new ideas throughout the time in a given domain, but rather coming up with new ideas gets harder and harder and therefore we should expect them to come up with fewer and fewer new ideas and less progress.

Ideas in some domains might be getting more and more depleted, but new domains are arising and give opportunities for new and fresh ideas to be harvested. That is perhaps how science progress happens. The more surprising question comes when we try to generalize this to science as a whole, as Bloom et al. seem to be suggesting. Is it the case that it is getting harder and harder to find whole new domains of research? That our ability to find new ideas not in a specific domain, but anywhere, is hitting diminishing returns? Maybe our mechanism of knowledge creation and ability to understand the world is hitting diminishing returns as well?

I would say that evidence for this latter claim is much weaker than for diminishing returns in any given specific domain.
First, we can look at how economists measure the economic benefits of scientific progress. Bloom et al. model that by comparing inputs (investment into National Income and Product Accounts’ “intellectual property products”, a number that is primarily made up of research and development spending but also includes expenditures on creating other nonrival goods like computer software, music, books, and movies) and outputs (total factor productivity, TFP, which is a portion of the growth in output not explained by growth in traditionally measured inputs of labour and capital used in production). However, TFP does not seem to be an especially good measure of scientific progress – it does not track scientific progress per se, but rather all unmeasured factors contributing to productivity. This contains not only the economic benefits of new discoveries but also the diffusion of the existing knowledge, which seems to be qualitatively very different things. We have no way to tell how big proportion of TFP is caused by diffusion versus creation and how this varied in time. Further, some part of scientific progress works via enabling a greater supply of factors measured outside of the TFP (e.g. labor, capital, and land) or are embodied in concrete capital goods (which is perhaps how the benefits from most privately funded research are realised) and these will not be counted in TFP. The counterargument goes that if these biases are roughly constant over time, changes in TFP still would reflect changes in the rate of progress of science and technology (for more details and discussion see Cowen and Southwood, 2019, p.18). Anyway, I don’t think we have a strong reason to assume these biases are constant over time. TFP thus has the advantage of aggregating the science as a whole but seems not to be capturing scientific progress accurately enough to enable drawing strong conclusions about whether the science is slowing down or not. I think that if we wanted to make an argument using TFP, we could still say (although pretty vaguely), that since 1930s, TFP has been declining, whereas investments in research have been increasing, which suggests that at least some part of scientific discovery captured by TFP have been slowing down (or hitting diminishing returns).  

Further, we can take the notion of scientific progress as how much it does contribute to wellbeing measured in other ways than economic benefits (e.g. life satisfaction; chance of survival for the next thousand of years..). Is there any measure like that for scientific progress as a whole? Unfortunately, I’m not aware of any. 

Further yet, we may take a look at scientific progress from a perspective of how much it increases our understanding of the world. For example, measures that do not concern the economic benefits of science, but rather things like “how much a discovery changes our understanding of the world” and “how much does it enable us to make further discoveries”? Each of these interpretations would likely require its own measurement method.
One venture in this direction was done by Patrick Collison and Michael Nielson (2018), who asked top scientists to compare the importance of discoveries awarded by Nobel prizes in each decade. They found that scientists rate older discoveries as more important than the more recent ones. However, they focused again only on a few specific domains in which Nobel prizes are awarded (chemistry, physics, medical sciences), not on science as a whole, not to say newly developed domains of research. Further, the notion of “importance” might mean different things for different scientists –  some might weight economic application of that knowledge more, others might rather weight in how much it changed and formed our current understanding, etc.. Finally scientists might have a bias towards being correct, and it is safer to bet on older discoveries whose applications and importance have already been well demonstrated, rather than on more recent discoveries where applications are yet to be found. To conclude, while an interesting venture, this piece of research does not seem to be telling us much about whether science as a whole is slowing down.            

Diminishing returns to investments seem like a pretty natural way the things work when you want to exploit some resource (like gold mining). It also makes sense based on a heuristic that it’s easier to grow rapidly from small base than from large base (i.e. 10 % returns from investements in 1000 scientists are perhaps easier to achieve than 10 % returns from 1 000 000 scientists, because the latter benefit is just so much larger in absolute terms). Anyway, not all things in the world works this way – there are also things that work on the basis of constant returns or even increasing returns. An argument in this way could go like: the amount of pieces of knowledge is still increasing and by combining different pieces of knowledge, we can create yet another useful piece of knowledge. Therefore, the actual space of possible discoveries is getting larger and larger with each new discovery made, ther than smaller and smaller (as “ideas getting harder to find” hypothesis seems to suggest). However, it doesn’t say anything about (economic) returns to these discoveries – maybe ideas are increasingly easier to find, but the value of these ideas is lower and lower (or perhaps ideas with high economic value are getting harder and harder to find). One piece of evidence that could potentially point to the direction of increasing returns is the correlation evidence that firms and countries that invest more in R&D have higher returns to those investments (Hervas & Amoroso, 2016). However, this could also represent a result of comparative advantage over other countries/firms or there might be reversed causality (i.e. firms and countries that are doing economically better are using their additional resources to fund R&D, but R&D is not a causal mechanims for how they got economically better).

Anyway, let’s imagine science as a whole is really generating less and less benefit per dollar invested. Being true or not, this exercise is helpful in spotting things that might be suboptimal or might become problems in the future, something like writing a pre-mortem. So, why could that be?


1) New ideas are harder to find

As suggested by Bloom et al. and many others, it could be that just like in many other aspects of our lives, engaging in a given activity repeatedly brings less and less benefit. Good metaphor is the one with low-hanging fruit – we are gradually picking the low hanging fruit and now each new fruit is higher and thus harder and harder to pick. In that case, what kind of ability does this refer to specifically? It might mean that our ability to understand the world is hitting diminishing returns. Or it might be the method of knowledge creation that’s getting depleted. It might also mean that we just need more and more investment to get up to speed with our current level of knowledge. We can see this in several domains: PhD degrees in economics are taking longer to complete, co-authorship is increasing in mathematics (Odlyzko, 2000), economics (Brendel & Schweitzer, 2017) and research teams are growing larger in mathematics (Agrawal, Goldfarb & Teodoridis, 2016), suggesting one head can’t absorb all the required knowledge anymore. The age of the scientists at which they made a discovery for which they later received nobel prize also increased by about 10 years during the 20th century (Jones & Weinberg, 2011). However, note that all these pieces of evidence come from specific, very traditional disciplines, where the diminishing returns are most likely to be observed. They don’t assess science as a whole.  

Picking up the low hanging fruit seems like a natural principle – is it inevitable then? Can we do anything to reverse that or at least slow it down? I will propose some potential solutions in another post.

2) Science as an institution is getting significantly less effective in generating new benefits

This suggests that due to more bureaucracy researchers spend less time and attention on research itself. Or alternatively, with increasing numbers of researchers doing science, it’s getting harder and harder to coordinate and coordination costs cause large decreases in benefits generated.

One possible proxy for measuring the extent of bureaucratisation is looking at the proportion of time researchers spend actually doing research. One older study by Milem, Berger & Dey (2000) found that in the US between 1972 a 1992 the proportion of time devoted to research among academics at research universities actually increased. However, the time spent doing research is operationalized in a way that is likely also contains grant writing. Several more recent studies pointed to the large amount of time that gets wasted by researchers writing grant proposals and harshly competing for funding, with some researchers claiming they spent as much as 60 % of their time seeking funding (Fang & Casadevall, 2009) and overall costs of peer review grant selection process consuming as much as 20–35 per cent of the allocated budget for research (Gluckman, 2012) (for more discussion see e.g. this Nintil post). Moreover, this trend of wasted time seems to be increasing as success rate in grant competitions is getting lower over time (see e.g. this data from NIH or this data from CIHR, I will update with more data in the future to confirm whether this trend holds across domains and countries). Anyway, this trend would significantly contribute to decreasing returns only if the distribution of impact was more uniform, which might not be the case.
Another way to see whether administrative costs are increasing over time is to look whether there is increase in administrative positions (e.g. academic project managers) paid from the R&D budget (will need to find some more data about this).

However, as my friend Aleš suggested, reduced time researchers spent doing research might actually not be the most important form of bureaucratisation. The more important form of bureaucratisation might be expressed via hiring processes. If these processes become too stringent and inflexible, it might miss out some of the most extraordinary talents who won’t get the job and the processes might instead select for more average careerists, which might decrease the amount of innovation produced by academia by far in the long term.     

In the similar category of science institution getting less effective, the problem could also be insufficient research infrastructure. In the EU, the number of researchers grow approx 1,5 % per year, which means doubling once in 46 years (Baumberg, 2018, cited via Cowen a Southwood, 2019, other data since 1980s can be found e.g. via OECD, 2021). It is perhaps possible that institutions of science are finding it hard to keep up with such increases and, because the lack of coordination and infrastructure, the process of knowledge creation gets slower.

3) Privatization of research funding and benefits

Benefits from research are getting more and more privatized, oriented towards improving specific private goods rather than generating global public goods. This might explain why the TFP metric does not capture these benefits but also suggests a plausible hypothesis for how the overall value of research decreases. Indeed, the majority of research funding across G20 countries currently comes from business and private sources rather than government spending (1,26 % vs 0,65 % GDP on average) – but was it always like this or has it changed in the past decades?

During the second half of the 20th century, the profile of research funding changed greatly. In the 1960s United States, for example, public investment in research accounted for more than 2/3, while today it accounts for only 1/4 all investments in research. This privatization of research funding also applies to basic research – the proportion of publicly funded basic research has been declining since the 1960s, and in 2013 even more than half of all basic research spending in the US came from private sources (Mervis, 2017). This trend can also be seen in data from other OECD countries and Europe: the ratio of researchers paid from state/public sources vs. private sources is still declining (OECD, 2021).

If privately funded research brings smaller profits to the general public and greater profits to given private investors, then it is possible that this privatization of research funding ultimately reduces the overall economic benefits of investing in research. On the other hand, data from the US NSF show that the total amount of funding devoted to basic research increased 33 times between 1960 and 2000, and the ratio of basic research expenditure to total government expenditure (i.e. compared to applied research and development) increased from around 8% to around 27% over the same period (NSF, 2002). It is therefore true that overall research spending is being privatized, but spending on basic research is still rising – if (publicly funded) basic research is indeed more cost-effective in the long run because it allows knowledge to be more widely distributed and forms the basis for applications, then growth in investments in this type of research should ensure that the overall economic benefits of investing in research will grow, not fall.

Another pointer towards privatisation of research could be the Bayh-Dole Act, which might have encouraged universities to invest their resources to support of monetizable research and perhaps also decrease the disclosure and sharing of their research findings in order to monetize it later. Anyway, if “monetizable”=”more applied”, this should shown in some statistics (although perhaps not the NSF data, because that is strictly governmental funding, not university funding; also, it would be useful to compare how large proportion of research funding actually comes from universities vs governments to see whether that fraction is actually relevant).


To sum up, I think Bloom et al bring some evidence for decreasing economics returns to investments in any given domain, however, this not neccessary generalizes to science as whole. Because we don’t have especially good metric of economic benefits stemming from science as whole, perhaps the argument for diminishing returns for whole science is weak. Anyway, if it is true, there are number of reasons hypothesized – ranging from ideas getting harder to find to science as an institution getting less effective to privatisation of research funding and benefits. Perhaps all these effects are true at the same time and contribute to the observed decrease in benefits, but perhaps they vary in how much they contribute.