
I’m David Janku and I’m blogging mostly about science, processes and institutions with a goal of creating new knowledge and how to improve those. My background is in psychology (masters in org psych). I founded a project called Effective Thesis aiming to direct attention of soon-to-be-researchers (i.e. undergraduate, masters and PhD students interested in pursuing research careers) towards topics that seem to generate most welfare. Currently, I work at the Czech Science Foundation (governmental organisation distributing public money for fundamental research in Czech Republic) as an Analyst, frequently diving into topics related to science infrastructure.

In my career and life I’m to a large extent motivated by the principles of Effective Altruism, an intelectually-driven global movement trying to figure out how to improve the worlds the most with resources we have available. Thinking about this questions also brought me to my interest in science and knowledge creations processes, as this seems to be one of the most robust and efficient way to improve human (and potentially non-human as well) welfare and secure flourishing future of humanity.

Happy to get in touch at davidjanku1 @ seznam.cz